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Willow Gif
Angle, Xander, Giles, Faith
Angel Gif
Angel the slayers’s Big love and first lover and protector, but also a vampire… with a soul
Giles Gif
Rupert Giles is Buffy’s watcher, and mentor the character iis performed by Anthony Stewart Head
Faith Gif
Xander Gif
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Buffy Saison 7
BTVS S7 Saison 7
Bestof Spike
buffy et spike
Willow Gif
Angle, Xander, Giles, Faith
Angel Gif
Angel the slayers’s Big love and first lover and protector, but also a vampire… with a soul
Giles Gif
Rupert Giles is Buffy’s watcher, and mentor the character iis performed by Anthony Stewart Head
Faith Gif
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Articles avec l’étiquette "magic"
Panic at the Magic box
Buffy Gifs
27 août 2015
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